Written by Transform Staff

The 2024 Golden Sneaker Contest, held by the Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools (SR2S) program from March 4 through 15, generated thousands of active and shared transportation trips and friendly competition for the coveted Golden Sneaker trophies. This year, over 22,000 students participated, representing more than 800 classrooms in 98 elementary and middle schools.

Platinum Sneaker Winner

Every year, one school in the county claims the Platinum Sneaker Award for having the highest overall participation in the Golden Sneaker Contest. This year, Rosa Parks Elementary in Berkeley won the Platinum Sneaker Award. During the competition, 69% of Rosa Parks students walked, rolled, carpooled, or took transit to school.

Golden Sneaker highlights

This year’s competition saw eight schools joining for the first time and another 11 returning for the first time since COVID. Goldie, the Golden Sneaker mascot, visited Junction K-8 in Livermore to announce the winning classroom and give away free scooters as prizes.

Some schools used the contest as a teaching opportunity, educating students about the benefits of active and shared transportation. Sometimes, teachers will also incorporate the mode tracking activity into their lesson plans as a way to weave the goals of the contest into students’ lives beyond the event. And we’ve heard that students were inspired to learn to ride a bike for the first time so they could participate in the contest.

We hope the two weeks of trying out a new way of getting to school will create long-lasting habits over time. Huge thank you to all the teachers, administrators, parent champions, and students who make the Golden Sneaker Contest so much fun!

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