Win Transformative Investments in Climate and Equity

By pushing for a greater investment in sustainable transportation and affordable housing, Transform is creating an equitable future that enables people to live closer to jobs and makes transit, biking, and walking/rolling the easy choice.

Supercharge Funding for Green Transportation and Affordable Housing

We build and support coalitions of transportation, housing, and climate groups to dramatically increase funding at the state and regional levels for world-class transit and affordable housing.

Reallocate Transportation Investments to Reduce Driving

The tens of billions that California spends annually on transportation are largely funding climate arson. We’ll keep pushing to dramatically reshape our transportation investments so that we reduce greenhouse gas emissions and advance equity.

Driving shouldn’t be the only choice or even the most appealing one

The transportation choices individuals make are influenced by our investments at every level of government—and California’s past investments incentivize us to drive. By pushing for much greater investment in sustainable transportation and affordable housing, Transform is working to redress harms from racist transportation and housing policies and create a future where everyone has access to clean transportation options and affordable housing.

The Latest from Transform

Stay informed on our work to create more equitable, just, and affordable housing and transportation in California.