History & Successes

At Transform, we work with organizations, advocates, and community members to create lasting change. Collaboration increases our influence for improved transportation and housing policies and funding. Together, we can invest in climate and equity, promote innovative transportation, support transportation shifts, and address climate-related housing issues.

Transform’s impact on transit and housing in the Bay Area

Transform was founded in 1997 as Bay Area Transportation and Land Use Coalition (BATLUC). In the years since, we’ve reached many milestones, moving the Overton window steadily toward equity and climate resilience. 

  • 2023

    Transform’s equity strategies incorporated into express lanes

    Using concepts from TransForm’s Pricing Roads/Advancing Equity report, express lanes on Highway 101 in San Mateo fund public transit credits for low-income residents, and low-income drivers can get a 50% discount for toll lanes on 880.

  • 2022

    Pioneered a Mobility Hubs at Affordable Housing program

    With sites in San Jose, Oakland, and Richmond, Transform’s Mobility Hubs pilot creates new clean transportation options for affordable housing residents and is a model for deep community engagement that builds power and resources.

  • 2020

    Transform helps create new coalition advancing grassroots voices in transit advocacy

    Transform and equity groups, as part of Voice for Public Transportation, bring a powerful voice for more equitable funding as part of regional transportation.

  • 2018

    Transform helps win $80 measure in Silicon Valley

    Transform co-led a grassroots effort to pass Measure W, which raises $80 million per year, with 60% to improve public transit, plus funding to create safer bike and pedestrian routes and other community needs

  • 2016

    Transform convinces BART to adopt a strong affordable housing policy

    Transform’s advocacy led BART to adopt a policy requiring at least 20% of housing built on BART property to be affordable.

  • 2016

    Transform helps bring BRT to Oakland and San Jose.

    After more than a decade of advocacy led by Transform, Oakland and San Jose installed their first bus rapid transit lines.

  • 2015

    Transform wins a parking minimum reduction

    Transform cosponsored AB 744, a law making it easier to build affordable housing by lowering parking requirements

  • 2014

    Transform helps pass another landmark transportation funding measure

    Measure BB in Alameda County was the largest transportation funding measure ever passed in Northern California and continues to provide significant funding for biking, walking, and public transit today.

  • 2014

    Transform co-founds the Sustainable Communities for All Coalition

    Working with Housing CA, Transform co-founded a coalition that got California to invest 35% of cap-and-trade revenue into affordable housing and public transportation. That amounts to approximately one billion dollars each year.

  • 2010

    Transform helps push California to adopt ambitious targets for reducing climate emissions from transportation

    ClimatePlan led a coalition that included NRDC, PolicyLink, and Transform to successfully advocate for California to set an official policy of reducing transportation emissions.

  • 2006

    Transform initiates Safe Routes to School in Alameda County

    Transform’s pilot in two low-income schools in Oakland has since expanded to serve almost 300 schools and still growing.

  • 2007

    Transform co-founds ClimatePlan

    ClimatePlan is a statewide coalition of over 50 groups that helps ensure California’s climate strategy includes sustainable transportation and land use and supports regional coalitions across the state.

  • 2006

    Transform co-founds the award-winning Great Communities Collaborative

    The Great Communities Collaborative was a model of deep community engagement that was recognized by the White House and the American Planning Association for its powerful approach. 

  • 2004

    Transform helps develop and pass a measure to fund Safe Routes to Transit

    Measure 2, a bridge toll increase, provided funding for the first Safe Routes to Transit program in the US.

  • 2000

    Transform leads a coalition that shapes and helps pass landmark transportation funding measure

    Measure B, an Alameda County transportation sales tax measure, dedicated 80% of its funding to public transportation, walking, and biking, a landmark in active transportation funding.

  • 1998

    BATLUC (aka Transform) inspires MTC to create the first “Smart Growth Blueprint” for the Bay Area

    Transform was part of a coalition that pushed the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to draft a plan prioritizing social equity and environmental stability.

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