Our Work Helps Communities Thrive

Transform works to reshape transportation and housing using community-driven solutions and transformative policy advocacy. We empower communities of color, innovate solutions, and advocate for policies and funding—all with the aim of helping people thrive and averting climate disaster.

Our Strategies

Investing in Climate and Equity

Individual transportation choices are influenced by our investments at every level of government—and California’s past investments incentivize driving. By pushing for much greater investment in sustainable transportation and affordable housing, Transform is creating a future that enables people to live closer to jobs and makes transit, biking, and walking/rolling easy choices.

How we’re advancing green, equitable investments >

Nurturing New Ways of Moving

“Build it and they will come” is not always sufficient when it comes to normalizing new ways of moving. Transform’s programs build people’s knowledge and resources to enable a shift in how they feel about mobility options, with transit, biking, walking, and rolling as viable choices and, eventually, the new normal.

How we’re promoting mobility choices >

Housing as a Climate Strategy

Transform works at the intersection of housing and transportation, innovating affordable housing and parking solutions that encourage sustainable transportation and healthy, active communities so that suburban and urban residents alike can rely less on driving.

How we’re reshaping the transit/housing ecosystem >

Making change from the roots up

We envision vibrant neighborhoods, transformed by excellent, sustainable mobility options and affordable housing, where those historically impacted by racist disinvestment now have power and voice.

Win Transformative Investments in Climate and Equity

By pushing for much greater investment in sustainable transportation and affordable housing, Transform is creating a future that enables people to live closer to jobs and that makes transit, biking, and walking/rolling the easy choice.

Supercharge Funding for Green Transportation and Affordable Housing

We build and support coalitions of transportation, housing, and climate groups to dramatically increase funding at the state and regional levels for world-class transit and affordable housing.

Reallocate Transportation Investments to Reduce Driving

The billions that California currently spends on transportation are largely funding climate arson. We’ll keep pushing to dramatically reshape our transportation investments so that we reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build equitable communities.

Normalize Transit, Biking, Walking, and Rolling

We educate and empower communities and build community leadership. We roll out programs and investments so that they effectively reach and serve low-income and transit-dependent people, disabled people, and BIPOC communities.

Make Walking, Rolling, and Transit Affordable and Accessible

We work to make sustainable transportation affordable, ensure that programs are shaped to be inclusive and reach communities that need them, and help agencies implement infrastructure projects equitably.

Change the Culture and Build Community Resources—in the Halls of Power and in Neighborhoods

We teach kids, families, and elders the skills and knowledge to bike, walk/roll, and ride transit. Through our programs and policy work, we’ll listen to and nurture community leaders.

Housing as a Climate Strategy

To create a just and equitable transportation system that effectively reduces climate-disrupting emissions, affordable housing near transit is as important as reliable, safe, healthy transportation solutions.

Integrate Housing with Climate-Friendly Transportation

We advance state and regional policies that foster denser, more transit-friendly development in every city type while challenging our suburban neighbors to adopt a higher standard of density, parking, and transportation.

Reclaim Our Space: Innovative Parking Reform

Transform will continue to pioneer creative solutions to better use existing parking so that developers can build more affordable housing and less car storage, and so that our communities can build more bike and bus lanes, more plazas and parklets.

Campaigns & Programs

The Latest from Transform

Stay informed on our work to create more equitable, just, and affordable housing and transportation in California.