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  • Emilio Elenes

Excitement Builds for International Walk & Roll to School Day

TransForm staffers gathered on a recent Friday afternoon to stuff goodie bags to be handed out on International Walk & Roll to School Day. The event, held on October 4 this year, invites K-12 students across Alameda County to discover the joy and freedom of getting to school by biking, walking, rolling, taking transit, and other alternatives to driving.

“It's a great event because it's a time to kick off walking and rolling each school year,” says Jennifer Ledet, TransForm Safe Routes to School Program Co-Director. “It still brings me joy to see kids and families try a new way of getting to school and having so much fun with it.”

Walk & Roll to School, first held in 1997, celebrates active transportation to schools across the US, Canada, and the UK. In 2022, there were 3,235 events across the US, including 509 in California.

Rolling for 17 years in Alameda County

Alameda County held its first Walk & Roll Day in 2006, with just two schools participating. This year, 137 Alameda County schools will join the fun. The buzz has already begun at TransForm, where we’re preparing materials and giveaways provided by the Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools Program to celebrate kids’ achievements.

Michele Walker, TransForm Safe Routes to Schools High School Program Director, says, “It's fun to see how everything turns out after all the hard work students put into planning their event!”

Each school has its own activities to mark the day. Students might join a bike or walking school bus, be greeted by cheering volunteers,, or participate in a parade on school grounds.

“Seeing groups of students arrive at school together or hearing someone tried biking to school for the first time is absolutely electrifying,” says Stephanie Jim, TransForm Safe Routes to School Program Co-Director. “It inspires me to keep going and makes every moment preparing for this event worth it.”

Making the fun happen

International Walk & Roll to School Day gives students a chance to try a new way to get to school or celebrate their everyday commute. The whole Alameda County Safe Routes team and all of our dedicated volunteers are making sure everything’s in place for the best Walk & Roll day ever.

“I am excited to have made new partnerships with Clif and AC Transit to provide extra incentives for students this year,” says Jasmine Law, TransForm Elementary and Middle School Site Coordinator, Safe Routes to Schools. “I'm looking forward to seeing what other partnerships we can build in future years.”

In the coming weeks, the TransForm staff will be busy coordinating donations, making sure each school has the materials it needs, meeting with all our volunteers, and working with our partners at the Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools Program to make this event a success.

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TransForm promotes walkable communities with excellent transportation choices to connect people of all incomes to opportunity, make California affordable, and help solve our climate crisis. With diverse partners we engage communities in planning, run innovative programs, and win policy change at the local, regional, and state levels.

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