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  • Emilio Elenes

How Partner Donations Enhance Safe Routes to Schools Events

Updated: Mar 20

TransForm’s Safe Routes to Schools (SR2S) Program team puts on several events throughout the year and provides ongoing support for active and shared transportation to school. But part of our ongoing work that’s less visible is our work to connect with local businesses and other groups who want to support SR2S.

Here are just a few of the many partnerships that have made our events and programming even more exciting and fun in the past year.

Micro Kickboard

Scooter maker Micro Kickboard is donating push scooters through TransForm. We will identify high-equity schools to receive scooters, and the schools will decide how to use them. Schools can provide scooters at recess, give them to selected students, or start a mini scooter sharing program. This donation will help more kids discover the joy of micromobility—and it will add to the fun quotient!

Clif Bar

Clif Bar, headquartered in the East Bay, often donates healthy treats we can use as rewards during special events. This past fall, students who participated in International Walk & Roll to School Day got a Clif Bar as part of their prize for using active or shared transportation.

Spare the Air

The mission of Spare the Air to help Bay Area residents breathe cleaner air dovetails well with SR2S. The group has donated activity books and colored pencils to various SR2S events. These provide a fun way to learn about and encourage greener transportation.

Dolan Law

A big supporter of bike activities, Dolan Law has donated bike repair kits and reflective straps for SR2S events for many years. These practical giveaways help students keep riding and be visible on the road and are a great way to build excitement for the SR2S program.

Warriors Foundation

The SR2S has a long history of partnering with the Warriors Foundation in our offerings. There are many ways in which this foundation has supported the Golden Sneaker Contest. Check out this awesome video they helped us make during distance learning! 

This is just a sampling of the community support that powers our SR2S work. Many other local businesses and organizations lend vital support to the program. Local sports teams, skate shops, and other businesses help us encourage young people to walk, bike, roll, and take transit.

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Oakland, CA 94612 



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TransForm promotes walkable communities with excellent transportation choices to connect people of all incomes to opportunity, make California affordable, and help solve our climate crisis. With diverse partners we engage communities in planning, run innovative programs, and win policy change at the local, regional, and state levels.

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