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Ride Fearlessly
A Framework for Reimagining Transit Safety

TransForm’s Safety on Transit Policy Framework

Safety on transit is essential to reviving ridership and creating a thriving, transit-first culture. TransForm’s vision for safety centers on a holistic definition of objective and subjective safety as experienced by marginalized communities and the most vulnerable riders.


To make transit safe for everyone, transit agencies must look beyond policing. Transit agencies across the country are already implementing alternative safety pilots and programs, but there is still a long way to go before we achieve transit systems where everyone feels safe. Collaboration and active partnerships among transit agencies, community-based organizations, and everyday riders are key to achieving a world where everyone can ride fearlessly.

Ride Fearlessly: A Framework for Reimagining Transit Safety

Safety impacts people’s decisions to ride a train or take a bus, and traditional law enforcement approaches often don’t address their concerns. That’s because safety isn't merely the absence of harm; transit agencies must create an environment that encourages riders to embark on their journeys confidently. In TransForm’s groundbreaking report, Ride Fearlessly: A Framework for Reimagining Transit Safety, we offer a roadmap for safer, more inclusive transit systems.
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Webinar Replay - October 27th. 2023

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Oakland, CA 94612 



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TransForm promotes walkable communities with excellent transportation choices to connect people of all incomes to opportunity, make California affordable, and help solve our climate crisis. With diverse partners we engage communities in planning, run innovative programs, and win policy change at the local, regional, and state levels.


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