Written by Transform Staff

Almarie Frazier and her son Khai.

Lion Creek Crossings is a 439-unit affordable housing development a short walk from the Coliseum BART Station in East Oakland. Freshly paved streets, well-maintained sidewalks, street trees, and green landscaping create a pleasant environment for the new neighborhood of townhomes and apartments. On a recent afternoon, TransForm Mobility Hubs team members Emilio Elenes and Jasmine Law met with resident members of the Site Level Team to talk strategy and plan for the future. The team members help educate other residents about the benefits of the program and are paid for their time as part of the Mobility Hubs program.

Mobility Hubs is a program developed by TransForm to broaden transportation options at affordable housing sites in Oakland, San Jose, and Richmond. Services are tailored to the needs of residents at each site. At Lion Creek Crossings, the Mobility Hubs pilot offers free AC Transit passes and $40 of Lyft ride credits per month.

Bringing more transit options

Despite its proximity to BART and I-880, Site Level Team members voiced frustration at feeling isolated by a lack of affordable transportation choices. Some remembered discontinued bus lines that used to take them to desired destinations, and they talked about the distance to bus stops as a barrier for the many senior residents of the development.

Team members were full of ideas for additional services and engagement, clearly enthusiastic about participating in a program that lifts up them and their neighbors.

Team members recounted using the Lyft rides to take kids to daycare and school, pick up groceries, or get a prescription from the pharmacy. “The $40 credits came in big time,” said Tanisha Rounds. Her husband broke his back at work and is still recovering a year later. “That money saved me a lot,” she said, noting that she put the savings toward PG&E and other bills.

Almarie Frazier, whose two-year-old son Khai caromed happily around the room during the meeting, said her older kids use the AC Transit passes to get around. She emphasized the community aspects of the program. “I love being a part of the community. I’ve always been involved since I moved here,” she said. “We are going to try to stick together to advocate for ourselves moving forward.”

Rounds likes how events like National Night Out bring everyone in the community together. “It was really nice to see so many people from so many walks of life coming out,” she said.

Mobility Hubs honoree

Tanisha Rounds

Tanisha Rounds will receive a Transformista award for her outstanding work on the Mobility Hubs Site Level Team at TransForm’s All Aboard party on May 2. You can join Rounds and our other honorees for a fun night of food, signature cocktails, music, and networking with people who care about accessible public transportation as much as you.

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