Here in San Jose, Transform used it as part of the Five Wounds Urban Village Plan Update. One of the goals of the update includes better transportation along Santa Clara St. in the area, especially faster bus speeds and pedestrian safety. To achieve these benefits there may be a reduction in parking on the street, and Transform supported a strong community voice in the planning process by gathering 350 surveys in Spanish. In preparation for this outreach, Transform used Parknav’s portal to understand when parking was most difficult, and where. Our analysis showed that parking was easiest from about 8 am – 4pm. It then starts filling and by 8 pm is getting harder to find (as seen by so many yellow lines in the screenshot below.”
This analysis helped clarify that for much of the day a modest reduction in parking, especially if paired with better access by bus, can be efficient but for those businesses open late, there should be a clear parking management plan. We need to ensure efficient use of parking that allows merchants to thrive even as we gain more space for faster transit and pedestrian safety. Find full details on the Five Wounds Urban Village plan here.