With your support, we passed the Transportation Accountability Act, AB 2086, authored by Assemblymember Pilar Schiavo, through the Assembly Transportation Committee with unanimous, bipartisan support. The measure, which TransForm is co-sponsoring, will bring transparency and accountability to Caltrans, which has the largest transportation budget of any California agency. That transparency will allow us to assess whether the agency’s actions are in alignment with climate, equity, and safety goals.
Bipartisan agreement in Sacramento is rare; most bills pass largely on party-line votes since Democrats hold a majority of seats in the Assembly. Although the bill was amended in committee, it remains a strong measure, and we see this first vote as a sign of the broad support for great transparency into how our tax dollars are spent.
This is just the first hurdle for this essential bill, and we’ll need everyone’s help for the next step, the Assembly Appropriations Committee in May.